Semiconductor manufacturer achieves timely tool installation with BPO solution: skilled talent, on-site management

    August 13, 2024

    Challenge: Short deadline for tool installation project forcing costly, high turnover.

    A top manufacturer of precision processing equipment and tooling in the semiconductor industry was struggling to meet a client’s tool installation project timelines. Unable to source and onboard talent in their company in the short timeframe given, they began outsourcing their labor needs to a vendor. This left them relying on costly labor from other markets with a high turnover rate—while also bearing responsibility for housing, travel costs, and stipends for the employees. Lastly, the company was unsure how to utilize the employees once the project concluded.

    Solution: A custom BPO solution featuring skilled talent and on-site management.

    With a deep understanding of their work environment and what it takes to be successful at their plant, Kelly® provided the company with an expert business process outsourcing (BPO) solution. Our solution included a pool of qualified, ready-to-work skilled talent who could be quickly and easily trained, along with an on-site operations manager to handle daily issues. We offered the company the option to hire any of the employees at a reduced placement rate—giving them the opportunity to observe employees’ on-the-job skills. Additionally, we informed the company that we would work to redeploy the talent to a different customer once their project concluded, removing that burden completely.

    Result: Fully managed onboarding saves 15 hours per new hire, with lowered costs and attrition.

    The client has been extremely pleased with our hiring and backfilling capabilities: Kelly has been able to achieve in weeks what would typically take months for the company. We are able to proactively hire from our pool of 200+ local, highly trained semiconductor workers if there are any performance concerns, which has been paramount to the company’s success. Our fully managed on-site solution has greatly lowered attrition rates, and morale has increased due to our holiday and PTO offerings. By handling all aspects of employee onboarding, we estimate that we are saving the company approximately 15 hours of training time per new hire.
    Additionally, the company is no longer responsible for the costs incurred by hiring employees from other markets.


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