3 min read | February 4, 2019

    Tips for becoming a more innovative manager

    Innovation is key to progress. It sparks new ideas that can streamline how you work and help your company save money. In addition, it can lead to the development of new... Read More
    3 min read | February 4, 2019

    Meetings that matter: 8 ways to lead more effective meetings

    Meetings can be time-consuming and even boring — and many people consider them a waste of time. Yet sometimes you need to call all of your employees together to review where... Read More
    2 min read | January 30, 2019

    Why You Should Ditch Annual Performance Reviews

    Many companies have already ditched the annual performance review. If yours isn’t among them, then 2017 is the year to make this change. Read on to discover a better way of... Read More
    3 min read | January 8, 2019

    Four tips to help struggling employees

    Sometimes, employees struggle at work. Maybe a new hire’s having trouble adjusting to your company’s processes, or perhaps an existing employee is challenged by a stretch... Read More
    3 min read | January 8, 2019

    The importance of one-on-one check-ins with your supervisor

    As a manager, it’s your daily duty to oversee the overall progress of your team — as well as the advancement of your individual team members. However, it’s just as important... Read More
    3 min read | January 3, 2019

    Pairing Gen Z with Baby Boomers: The value of cross-generational mentoring

    It seems like just a few years ago that managers and HR professionals everywhere were talking about the impact of Millennials in the workplace. Millennials, also known as Gen... Read More
    5 min read | January 3, 2019

    Supporting Your Remote Employees’ Career Development

    Remote employment and work-from-home options have become increasingly popular over the last few years, especially in certain fast-moving industries like information technology Read More
    4 min read | January 3, 2019

    The Importance of Asking Employees for Feedback on Your Performance

    How often do you ask your employees for feedback on your own performance—and actually receive an objective answer? Read More
    3 min read | January 2, 2019

    How to manage interpersonal conflict in your team

    Diverse personalities, backgrounds, and beliefs can create a certain amount of conflict within a team — and interestingly, that can drive creativity. According to research... Read More
    5 min read | December 1, 2018

    What managers need to know about Industry 4.0

    Smart factories with systems that monitor when raw materials are low and trigger new deliveries. Machines that are equipped with sensors that alert maintenance technicians... Read More